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    Beauty Academy

      Growing Your Salon

      Real tailored strategies and services that will help you grow your new or existing beauty salon. 


    Unlocking growth for your salon involves navigating various marketing channels, each with unique benefits. Our experience, combined with our specialist partners, equips us to offer tailored advice on effective strategies, from SEO and PPC to social media and beyond. We understand the nuances of each option and will guide you to find the best fit for your market, personality, operation style, and budget, ensuring there are viable paths to success for every salon size.


    Our partner agency empowers beauty salons to grow by creating custom, visually stunning landing pages that boost your online performance. Our team ensures your page captures essential client information, optimises for conversions, and uses analytics for targeted marketing strategies. This approach enhances client engagement and increases bookings, setting your salon up for success in a competitive digital landscape. What's more, even your offline printed marketing materials can be leveraged with conversion tracking links maximising the opportunity from say a local event or leaflet drop.

    Drive Enquiries Quickly

    Discover the power of a dedicated landing page to swiftly gauge the impact of your marketing campaigns. Ideal for testing without a full website, its design can later be seamlessly integrated into your website, enhancing both new and existing online presences.

    Cost-Effective Engagement

    Harness the power of focused 'money pages' to present your services with compelling calls to action. Capture your prospective customers' interest at peak moments with a strategy that's significantly more affordable than a full website.

    Maximise Campaigns Across Platforms

    Execute targeted campaigns across various platforms and guide potential customers to your landing pages for swift conversion into paying clients. Continuously create new pages for each service, maintaining clarity and focus in your offers.

    From £150.00 per page excl. VAT


    Our agency specialises in website development and design tailored for beauty salons, ensuring your digital presence is as polished and professional as your services. We focus on creating engaging, responsive websites that capture the essence of your salon, with an emphasis on user experience to keep your clients coming back. From intuitive navigation to aesthetic design, our bespoke solutions are crafted to increase your visibility online, attract new clients, and enhance your salon's brand identity in the competitive beauty industry. No matter whether you are trading from home or in commercial premises, your website is the first interaction your business will have with prospective new clients so look to have this mastered as early on as possible.

    Full Custom Design & Development

    Each beauty salon receives a unique website design and development, tailored specifically to their brand, ensuring no two sites are alike, all at an affordable cost. Licensed professional photography, custom images and design elements are included and produced by our expert designers.

    No Brief Required

    No extensive guidance needed from you. We can craft your salon's website from the ground up with minimal input, or use your preferred examples as inspiration. Our industry expertise guides us to what works best and how we build your website will depend on how you want to grow.

    Integrate Systems, Socials, Reviews

    We can integrate online booking and payment systems, service availability, review feeds from authority sources like Google or TrustPilot, or embed feeds from your social channels like Instagram. Your website will look amazing and have more credibility than other providers.

    Set up £449 excl. VAT / £22 per month hosting



    Our social branding service ensures your beauty salon's brand is seamlessly consistent across all platforms, from your website and social media to the design of your physical premises. We craft a unified brand image and voice that resonates with your clientele, whether they're interacting with you online or stepping into your salon. This holistic approach strengthens your brand identity, enhances client recognition, and builds trust across every touchpoint, merging the digital and real-world experience of your salon's unique charm and professionalism.

    Brand Harmony Across Platforms

    Create a harmonious brand experience across digital and physical realms, ensuring your salon's essence is consistently felt, whether clients are browsing online or enjoying services in person.

    Elevated Brand Recognition

    Enhance your salon's recognisability with our strategic social branding, making your brand the first choice for beauty enthusiasts seeking trusted, professional services.

    Trust-Building Through Design

    Build immediate trust with prospective clients through cohesive branding that communicates professionalism and quality, distinguishing your salon in a crowded market.

    From £450.00 excl. VAT


    Our search engine optimization (SEO) services for beauty salons focus on capturing immediate enquiries through targeted keywords that potential clients use when they are ready to book services. Unlike social media advertising, which raises awareness of your salon and its services, SEO is about being prominently found at the moment someone decides they need your services. This strategic approach ensures your salon not only gains visibility but is also the first choice for customers actively seeking beauty treatments, maximising direct opportunities for bookings and client engagement.

    Visibility in Search

    Ensure your salon is the first choice for clients actively searching for beauty treatments, with SEO strategies that place you at the top when it matters most.

    Keyword Mastery for Salon Success

    Dominate search results with expertly chosen keywords that connect directly with clients ready to book, boosting your salon's online visibility and drawing in a targeted audience.

    Long-Term Growth and Engagement

    Build a foundation for sustained growth and customer engagement by optimizing your salon's website for search engines, ensuring you remain ahead of the competition.

    From £150 excl. VAT per month


    Our print services for beauty salons encompass everything from business cards and review cards to flyers, direct mailings, leaflet drops, and brochures. These tangible marketing tools are designed to complement your online presence, providing a comprehensive approach to brand visibility. Whether it's promoting events, canvassing new areas, or reinforcing brand recognition, our bespoke print solutions are tailored to support the growth of your salon, ensuring that your message resonates with both existing and potential clients in a physical, memorable way.

    Enhanced Brand Awareness

    Our print solutions amplify your salon's brand, ensuring recognition and recall through high-quality, tangible marketing materials that resonate with your clientele.

    Targeted Outreach Impact

    Reach potential clients directly with tailored print campaigns, from leaflet drops to direct mailings, driving awareness and bookings for your salon in your local community.

    Event and Promotion Highlighting

    Leverage custom-designed flyers and brochures to highlight special events, promotions, or new services, engaging existing and new clients with compelling print materials.

    Price subject to requirement, design, quantity

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